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Math at Home: 10 Everyday Activities to Help Your Child Learn Numbers

Math at Home: 10 Everyday Activities to Help Your Child Learn Numbers

Every Parent wants the best for their child and hence it is very important to make sure they give a good start to their education.

At the same time it is important to make learning Fun so that kids enjoy the entire process of learning.

Let us discuss few activities which make learning fun for kids.

1. Abacus

Buy an Abacus with lots of colorful beads. Align all the beads in one single line, slide one bead at a tie towards the other side, and show the kid how they can slide one bead at a time and ask them to count as well. This way children will enjoy the whole process of sliding from one side to other as well as learn numbers through fine motor skills and learn different colors. 

2. Magnet Numbers 

Firstly use 1, 2 and 3 and spread it randomly on the table or on the floor for the child. Now ask the child to arrange the correct sequence 1, 2 , 3 , 4 ,5 and so on .

Once the child is able to do it , keep adding the numbers and keep making the next level difficult as per child conveyance.

3. Ball Bounce game

Get plenty of attractive bright balls and ask the child to bounce ball on the floor and count each time when it bounces. This may be quite challenging to the young children. This way child practices counting and repeating the same helps the child to count more numbers each time.

4. Building Blocks

Every child loves the building blocks as well plays with Legos. Ask the child to make a bin filled with lego blocks and call each child one by one to pick one block at a time and encourage the child to take a second block and place it on the previous one. This way child will be encouraged to do counting and will end up building something of their own choice.

5. Straw Game

Buy plenty of colorful straws and place it on the floor.

Ask the children o place it on the floor in groups with same color. Child will enjoy making pairs, grouping, will also learn colors and counting as well while doing the same. 

Next step would be to cut the tar into two pieces and ask the child to count again and the children will realize that count has doubled in numbers. This way continue cutting the star into smaller pieces.

6. Cheese Cake

Buy a cheese pack and cut it into tiny pieces. Ask the child to place the cheese cubes in order and count the number of pieces in one single plate. Ask the child to count each piece once they put it in their mouth.

7. Stick and Paste

Buy fancy numbers which can be pasted on the wall and hang them on the wall or set it on the floor in a single row. Ask the child to use a marker and write numbers and then pick the card and paste it in front of the mentioned number.

Again using a marker make the child write 2 and then follow the same practice. This activity teaches sequence and counting as well.

Motivate the child to say the number every time they paste it on the wall.

8. Line Game

Buy a set of  colorful markers and make the invite the child one by one to draw vertical lines at the bottom o f a chart paper. While doing so make the child to count the number of lines they have drawn. This way child will learn counting as well as patterns.

Children will learn practical hands on experience and will develop fine motor and counting skills.

9. PiggyBank coins

Buy colouful coins and a attractive piggy bank. Ask children to make a queue and drop in few coins in the piggybank one by one in groups. Once the turn is over for all children, ask the child to count the total amount in each piggy bank. This way child learn to count money and also enjoy the whole process.

10. Lunch Time

Let’s make the entire lunch break with lots of fun and learning. Make the children sit in one circle and ask the children to pass on one full bowl of berries from one end to another and eat one while passing the bowl.  Motivate the child to count how many berries they had and remember the color which they had. This way child will eat, have fun and enjoy the learning process of counting as well.

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Aarty Nanda

Aarty Nanda is a dedicated, resourceful, and goal-oriented professional educator, firmly committed to the social and academic growth and development of each child. She strongly advocates for lifelong learning, emphasizing the importance of establishing a solid foundation for growth.

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