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Multiplication Table of 7 for kids to improve Maths Skills

Multiplication Table of 7 for kids to improve Maths Skills

It is very important concept which child uses in day-to-day life. If child knows tables, it helps the child to solve complex problems in minutes. 

Multiplication is the key to tables and if a child can master this skill, it becomes easier to solve problems based on the same.

At Bambinos, we introduce smart way to learn tricks and tips of multiplication in a easier , effective and fun way. We make it simpler by using various methods to learn the tables.

Why Multiplication is important:

Multiplication helps the child in day-to-day life and can be helpful in long run as well.

Multiplication and Tables are important in many ways, such as :

  • Memory: Improving the ability to memorize and use it as in when required.
  • Real Life Calculations: Tables can be fun if the child knows and understands the concept behind same.
  • Mastering Maths: Understanding concept of multiplication enhances child’s memory and making the child future ready in mastering maths.
  • Mental Maths : After mastering the skills of multiplication, child solves the sums independently.

Last but not the least Maths is a subject which can be applied in daily life hence learning tables would help the child to use it in day to day life.

How to teach Tables to kids :

Student engagement is a key component of the learning Maths. While the child learns to read, we ensure that they also enjoy the learning process and find it very interesting. Here are some of the key elements that make our approach effective.

1. Introduce repeated addition

This is the first stage of teaching multiplication to the children by educating and making them understand the concept of multiplication.

The Right  approach:

  • We encourage kids to write what 7+7=? And then 7+7+7=? And then 7+7+&=?
  • We make learning fun by using technology. Children watch a video explaining the concept of repeated addition.
2. Start with Games

It is very important to make a child’s basics about basic concepts of Mathematics like addition, division, multiplication and subtraction. 

The Interesting approach:

  • We should make learning simple yet exciting with the help of these games where kids not only learn but also enjoy the process to the fullest
3. Tips and Tricks

This is the step where the child is equipped with the tips and tricks to memorize the tables and use it as in when required.

The Best approach :

  • Mental Maths: We make the child answer all the questions within a short span of time and make the child comfortable in time based assessments.
  • Tips: We share the tips to memorize the tables, make it simpler for the children, and enhance their skills by making it fun and easy.
4. Love for Maths

It is important to encourage love towards the subject instead of fear.

The Fun approach :

  • Fun Stories Section:  Check  out the fun stories section with many interesting stories in different categories. Kids love such exciting stories and are always eager to read more and more new stories.
  • Reading with Pictures: We encourage kids to read basic stories by guessing from the pictures. This is for improving their comprehension skills.
  • Fun and Interesting Worksheets: To capture a child’s attention and interest, we provide study materials so the child can practice at home.

Here are some of the activities included in our worksheets :

a. Read and match the answers with the equation.

b. Fill in the missing numbers.

c. Circle the numbers, which are multiples of 7.

d. Ask children if they know the multiples of one number ahead one number behind (6 and 8 ) in this case.

5. Revision and assessment

Revising work is crucial as kids tend to forget things quickly. Revisions help them understand the concept of multiplication and tables.

The Right  approach :

  • Monthly Assessments:  Teachers conduct monthly assessments to evaluate the child’s analytical, logical thinking and grasping skills.
  • Performance Discussions: We also discuss the child’s performance with the parents. During these discussions, we highlight their areas for improvement and strengths, ensuring that the  parents are well-informed and involved in their child’s learning journey
  • Session Revisions: Before starting new sessions, we review previous topics to ensure the child has understood the concepts well.
  • Fun stories: We have some amazing stories depending on every child’s level that excites them to read more and develop love for reading.

Teaching Tables and concept of multiplication is of utmost importance for children in order to make the child confident and sharp. At Bambinos, we make Maths concepts simple and make learning experience fun. We teach tips and tricks to children to overcome their Maths fear and create love towards Maths Subject. We teach steps to learn, memorize and understand the concept of Multiplication with the help of tables.


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Article Author

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Aarty Nanda

Aarty Nanda is a dedicated, resourceful, and goal-oriented professional educator, firmly committed to the social and academic growth and development of each child. She strongly advocates for lifelong learning, emphasizing the importance of establishing a solid foundation for growth.

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