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Speech On Sports and Games

Speech On Sports and Games

A very good morning to my respected Principal sir, teachers and my friends. I have received a golden opportunity today to express my views about the importance of sports and games and It’s a great pleasure for me. 

Sports and games are the basic requirement for every individual’s growth and development. It is an all-round development which keeps us healthy and active and plays an important role in our lives. It relaxes and rejuvenates our mind and body. Kids and children engage in these kinds of activities with great joy and enthusiasm. They enjoy participating and playing games for their entertainment. If we practice sports on regular basis, it helps in building our strength and energizes us.

The question arises that why is it so very important to practice sports and games on regular basis? The answer is simple, it makes us strong and fit mentally and physically. Learning different sports helps us to know new things in our lives. It boosts our self-confidence and develops our personality.

In the current era, we cannot dream of education without sports and games. The teachers encourage kids to equally participate in sports and games because it increases their learning processes. Meanwhile lot of students gets encouraged and motivated and build up their future in sports. 

In the nutshell, sports are an inevitable part and every child and youngster should take part in them as it has great advantages and benefits. As education is important so is sports for every individual.

Let’s know a little more about sports - 
Advantages of sports and games

According to the studies, the kids who are regularly practicing sports, develops mentally and physically in a much better and strong manner. It helps the children to come across different types of activities which in turn boosts their self confidence and builds up their personalities.

Sports and games help the children to undergo different level of hardships and try to tackle with them. This prepares them for difficult situations in future making them rough and tough. It shapes their body and mind powerful and they no longer feel lazy and tired. It relaxes their body and mind from any complexities. Moreover, it increases their blood circulation throughout the body, making them active. For the kids who are hyper active, sports are the best medium to invest their energies in something fruitful and useful.

Teamwork is the essential key to any sport or game. Playing any sport always requires working in team and it creates bond and a sense of responsibility among the children. They learn to develop the coordination among the team members and how to friendly deal with different situations.

Furthermore, it makes the kid capable of recognizing his capabilities and efficient areas of activities and he can develop his interests in them in future by working on them. They learn to be hard working and independent keeping them active throughout the day.

In the modern education system, one cannot exist without sports and games as it is the integral part of any institution. It makes the education interesting by curating the syllabus to entertaining and tension free. Without sports and games education is incomplete.

Significance of sports and games

The activities involved in sports and games plays the crucial and important role in every child’s development mentally as well as physically. It stimulates the memory level, learning capacity and also the concentration level of the child. 

Sports brings out the best in a child. Kids when participates in sports and different kinds of activities on daily basis come to know about their hidden skills and gets motivated to practice them with dedication and motivation. If they pursue the sport of their interest with full vigour, they might come up to be famous personality in that particular field. It gives them opportunity to earn name and fame in their career by being a good sportsperson.

Why sports and games are important?

Education without sports is food without salt. Sports like cricket, football, badminton, etc have many benefits and they are very beneficial on the long run. They build up the energy and relieves the mind from stress. We as parents can teach the kids lot about the life and education with the help of different games.

Games keep our mind and soul active and energetic at the same time which is inevitable for the smooth functioning of our lifecycle. Moreover, it is essential to maintain good health and strong physique to lead a stress free and perfect balanced life. Therefore, let’s involve our kids in sports and games and prepare them for better future.


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Article Author

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Madhur Churiwala

Madhur Churiwala is an accomplished English and communicative skills educator with 15 years of experience. She holds a degree of B. ED in English. She started her career as a Fashion Designer but her passion for teaching and interacting with children turned her into a highly skilled educator. Initially she taught in school and then moved onto online teaching platform where she showcased her skills in education. Her way of teaching in fun and playful environment always inspires children to develop a love for learning. Over the years she has developed her passion for writing. As an author, Madhur brings her dedicated educational background to her blogs offering the valuable insights for educators, parents and students alike.

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