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Types of Cat Sounds: Fun Examples for Kids to Learn!

Types of Cat Sounds: Fun Examples for Kids to Learn!

Cats are known for their wide range of sounds, each depicting a meaning. They range from affection and happiness to alarms and attentions. Understanding these sounds can help the owner to better understand and communicate with their feline friends. Understanding Cat sounds could be fun filled and an educational activity for kids to learn. Let’s explore some of the cat sounds and interpret what our furry friends are trying to say:

1. Meow

This is the most common sound of Cats and we can hear it the most.

Short Meow: When your cat gives a quick “meow”, they might be saying “hello” or “look at me”!

Long Meow: A longer meow usually means, “ I want something”! It could be food, attention, or just wanting to go outside.

2. Purr

Purring sounds like a gentle rumble, like a tiny motor running inside your cat!

Happy Purr: When a Cat purrs, it usually indicates they are happy and calm. You might hear it when they’re being cuddled or petted.

Comfort Purr: Sometimes, cats purr just to make themselves feel better when they’re scared or not feeling well.

3. Trill or Chirp

A trill sounds like a rolling “rr-ow” or a soft chirp, almost like a bird.

Friendly Trill: Cats usually trill in order to say “hi” or “come with me”! Mother cats trill to call their kittens.

4. Hiss

A hiss sounds like a loud “sss” noise, similar to the sound of air escaping a tire.

Scared Hiss: When a cat hisses, it means they’re scared or feel threatened. They are saying, “Back off, please”!

Read more: Camel Sounds Explained: Types and Definitions for Kids with Fun Examples !

5. Yowl

A yowl is a long, drawn-out sound, louder than a meow and not friendly at all.

I’m Upset Yowl: Sometimes, Cats yowl if they are feeling lonely, upset or a bit confused.

6. Chatter or Chitter

Chattering sounds like clicking or quick chirping, often with a funny teeth-clicking noise.

Excited Chatter: Cats usually chatter when they see birds or flies outside. It’s like they’re saying. “I want to catch that!”


A scream is a loud, sharp sound that we don’t hear very often.

Ouch Scream: Cats might scream when they’re in pain, or in a fight with other animal. It’s a loud sound depicting “STOP”!

Fun Facts about Cats

Cats usually “meow” at people, not other cats.

Cats purr sometimes when they’re in pain and calm themselves down by purring.

Cats might chirp at you to say, Come play with me! or “Look at that bird!”

Cats puff up their fur at the time of hissing in order to look bigger or scarier.

Cats growl when they don’t like something happening around them.

Cats yowl sometimes when something catches their interest.

Some Cats chatter when they find a fish tank.

Cats scream sometimes, when they get hurt.

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Nimrah Rafiq

Nimrah Rafiq is a passionate educator hailing from Srinagar, holding a degree of MA in English literature. She has worked on various Ed-tech platforms and now she has joined as an educator in She is enthusiastic about teaching and will move forward with zest and zeal.

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