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50 Indoor Games for Kids to Improve Cognition & Creativity

50 Indoor Games for Kids to Improve Cognition & Creativity

Play is our brain's favourite way of learning. - Diane Ackerman

Children learn and grow when they play, and it is not necessary that they need the best toys to play. At a young age, every child is instilled with curiosity and creativity, which helps keep the boredom away. The only thing they require is freedom, time, and someone to play with them. When we as parents spend time with our children playing indoor games, it teaches necessary skills, increases learning output, and provides happiness and satisfaction.

It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time of learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them. - Leo Buscalia

Check the list of 50 simple cognitive and creative indoor games for the children.

I spy with my little Eye

An effective game for children to engage in creativity and imagination by playing games related to colour, size, and shape. Clever clues, describing objects, vocabulary development, attention to detail helps in targeted cognitive development. 


A basic Hopscotch court has 8 to 10 blocks and helps learn numbers. The children can bring variation and can create their own rules.

Paper cup towers

Each child gets a bag of paper cups. When the timer starts, they build a tower within a fixed time. The tallest tower gets the prize, but they must use all the paper cups.

One word story

Creating a 20-word story with specific themes like flowers, animals, aliens, etc. Each child should say a word aloud to develop the story further.

Indoor camping

Set up an indoor camp or tell kids to make tents with bedsheets and decorate them with fairy lights, leaves, lanterns, flashlights, etc. 

DIY Science experiment

To encourage creativity and curiosity in children, simple science experiments with household items are useful. For example, grow a carbon snake using sugar, cooking soda and sand or explore how sugary drinks affect teeth, etc.

Treasure hunt

In-home timed treasure hunt games will encourage kids to search for hidden objects with trail clues such as Math detective, photograph clues etc for healthy cognitive development.


The children can dance to their favourite tune. They must stop in motion when the music stops.

Read more: Games And Activities To Improve Vocabulary

DIY Puppet show

Children can create puppets with the required materials and convey a story, it's an ideal activity for developing creative and storytelling skills.


Customized Bingo can encourage kids to learn letters, numbers or concepts. It will also develop their concentration skills and add fun.

Bean bag toss

To improve target practice and concentration, fill a pillow cover with soft clothes and a rug and put items in front for target practice.

Jigsaw puzzle

A customized jigsaw puzzle (animal farm, magical land) can be a fun group activity that enhances teamwork and problem-solving skills.

Finger painting

The finger-painting activities allow children to express their creativity.

DIY Board Games

Kids should be encouraged to create their own board games using the waste stationary, notebooks, charts, etc.

Playdough sculpting

Kids can create different shapes, such as flowers, insects, body parts, etc.

Colouring pictures

Based on themes or concepts, kids can be involved in colouring pictures of their choice. 

Indoor Gardening

Understanding the difference between seeds and plants, plant diseases, the harmful effects of pesticides, and plant growth are a few concepts that help children in cognitive and emotional development.

Building Castles and Forts

With pillows, chairs, blankets, etc., children learn to build safe living spaces, and they learn teamwork, reasoning, and creativity.

Read more: Top Fun And Exciting Communication Games And Activities For Kids

Fun Obstacle Course

Indoor physical activities where children can navigate obstacles using household items encourage problem-solving and coordination.

Escape Room Kits

A theme-based room can be decorated. Kids carry puzzles and clue cards with them. As soon as they solve the puzzle, they can escape the room.

Interactive Whiteboard 

Displaying educational texts, audio, and reading material helps create a dynamic, fun learning environment for children.

Playing Musical Instruments

To enhance creative and auditory skills, kids can learn to play and create musical instruments using household items.

Balloon Games

Balloon volleyball, balloon dance, and DIY balloon lamps are a few activities to engage children.


Creating and solving puzzles and mazes for each other boosts cognitive activity in children.

Decorate a Board

Children can be divided into two teams. With waste household materials, they can decorate a themed board.

String Games

Kids can learn how to tie various knots and can create different patterns and shapes using colourful strings.

Change the Ending

Narrating a famous story encourages children to change the ending of the story by bringing a twist.

Change the Beginning

Narrating a famous story encourages children to change the ending of the story.

Nature Journaling

Children write their observations regarding changes in seasons, temperatures, growth of a plant etc.

Book Making

Creating illustrations and writing short stories/ poetry encourages kids to develop their own story books.

Comic strip creation

Creating comic strips by imagining and drawing their own cartoons, dialogues, etc

Paper Mache

Utilizing wastebpaper to make sculptures enables creativity in children.

Shadow Puppets

A creative way to engage children in learning concepts about light and shadow along with storytelling techniques.

Mind Mapping

A great technique to engage children in brainstorming sessions in solving a problem or writing about a topic.

Fashion Designing

Using the waste materials in the house and creating accessories and clothes to conduct fashion shows.

Knitting/ Crocheting

The activity strengthens the brain by repeating complex stitches and knots.


Experimenting with food items and baking simple recipes indulge kids in following instructions, etc.

Digital Art

With the help of digital tools and apps, the kids learn to showcase their creativity.


Creating a scrapbook to store a collection of precious, memorable moments spent indoors with the family.


Children can pick random objects at home, click pictures from various angles and increase their knowledge related to photography.


It encourages artistic expression and imaginative skills in a child.

Role Playing

Dressing up as famous personalities and enacting a scene.


Folding paper art helps enhance creative and critical thinking skills in kids.

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Various dance forms allow self-expression and help in overall growth in children.

Spot the difference

Finding differences between two or three images.

Trivia quizzes

Conducting a subject-specific or general knowledge questionnaire to encourage memory and recall amongst children.

Word Search

An age-appropriate word search puzzle is the perfect brain teaser for children.

Reading comprehension

A story reading session followed by questions is a great way to enhance comprehension skills among children.

Crossword Puzzle

Age-appropriate crossword puzzle helps in vocabulary building.

Pattern recognition

Creating games to find similar patterns, such as the shape of clouds, sequence of numbers and shapes, etc

The variety of listed activities is helpful for engaging children, especially when the outdoor weather is unpredictable.


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Article Author

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Karuna Sinh

Karuna Sinh competent professional with over 20 years of experience in sectors ranging from Teaching, Hospitality, Freelancing content writing, Administration & Management.

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