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Exploring 20 Animals That Start With The Letter N

Exploring 20 Animals That Start With The Letter N

We live in a world that is characterized by diversity. The multifarious nature of the universe intrigues many. This diversity can also be seen in nature, and more precisely, in the Animal Kingdom. What is the Animal Kingdom? Quite simply put, it is a group of living organisms classified as 'animals'. There are various types of animals that inhabit planet Earth. Let us dive into some interesting animal facts!

In English, we have its backbone, in the form of the Alphabet. There are 26 letters in the English alphabet and each letter has its own sound! Nowadays, we teach kids how to read words, using this system of sounds - a methodology known as Phonics. Explore Young Readers Program for the best Phonics program for your child!

Let us take the letter 'N' today. We shall explore interesting animal facts of animals that start with n! You will be amazed at the various types of animals and their unique characteristics. Let us dive into this splendid potpourri of animals that start with n!


The scientific name of this animal is Myocastor Coypus. It is a mammal and an omnivore. They seem to move well in water and have webbed feet. They are rodents and live in burrows or nests, mostly in wetlands.


Nabarlek are mammals and their scientific name is Petrogale concinna. They have very sharp teeth and are found in Australia. They have reddish fur. The live in crevices and caves on rocky slopes. They are an endangered species in Australia.


Nyala are rather large antelopes, that live in dense forests with a water source nearby. The scientific name is Tragelaphus Angasii. The male and female look very different. The males are larger than the females. The males are dark brown or grey and the females have lesser markings.

Norfolk Terrier

This is a rather tiny dog which is quite sturdy and has an adventurous spirit. They are good watchdogs. They are very alert and have floppy ears.


These are lizard-like creatures that do not have scales. Instead they have damp skin through which they breathe. There are 3 species of newts - the common or smooth newt, the palmate newt and the great crested newt.


The numbat is also called the banded anteater. It is native to Australia. Its scientific name is Myrmecobius fasciatus. They do not have proper teeth and eat only termites. They have a pointed head and a long, sticky tongue.

Read more: Exploring 10 Animals That Start With The Letter E


The scientific name is Boselaphus tragocamelus. Females are yellow-brown and males are blue-gray in colour. Nilgai are herbivores and are found on grassy steppes and forests.


They are known as 'unicorns of the sea'. They live in the Arctic waters of Canada, Greenland, Norway and Russia. The have tusks jutting from their head, which is an enlarged tooth. 

Nurse Shark

Nurse sharks live in the warm waters near the ocean floor. Its scientific name is Ginglymostoma cirratum. They are not very fast and are not a danger to man. Also they are carnivorous. 


They have long wings and fly gracefully. They do not make nests. They make a loud 'booming' sound when they dive to court females or to attack intruders.


Nightjars are grey, brown as well as reddish-brown. They feed on winged insects. It has a flat head, large eyes and very soft wings and feathers.


The scientific name of this bird is Branta sandvicensis. It is the official state bird of Hawaii. It is also known as the Hawaiian goose. It is a large goose that is mostly on land but can fly short distances.

Natterjack Toad

The Natterjack toad is amphibian and spends most of its time in shallow waters. This toad is very rare and tiny in size. They are olive green in colour and mainly nocturnal. Also, instead of hopping, it runs!

Nebelung Cat

The Nebelung cat is a rare breed of cat. It is bluish gray and has green eyes. They are a little shy at first but later overcome that shyness and show a lot of affection and can be playful and good companions to humans.

Read more: Exploring 20 Animals That Start With The Letter U

Night Monkey

Its scientific name is Aotus miconax (Andean Night Monkey). They have very small ears. They are nocturnal and socially monogamous. They are arboreal and eat fruits, plant buds, flowers, leaves and insects.


These birds are also called Rhea. They cannot fly but can run extremely fast, especially when in danger. It is greyish brown and has a strong beak. It is an omnivorous animal.

Newfoundland Dog

It is a large dog and quite sturdy and powerful. They are grey, brown, black, black and white in colour and seem to love being around children!

Norway Rat

These are native to Northern China (in spite of the name, yes!). They like living where there are humans, although they were originally found in forests.

Newfypoo Dog

These are combinations of Newfoundland dogs and poodles! They are good companions for people, even families. They are black, brown, grey and few other shades too and have thick, curly fur.


These animals live in tropical and sub-tropical forests. It is called mouse-deer although it is not a true deer. These animals are nocturnal and prefer to be by themselves rather than in groups.

So, here were 20 animals starting with N! I brought quite a few interesting animal facts together for you in this article and hope it was worth your while to read it! Keep reading more such articles on our website and for the Best Phonics Classes, explore Young Readers Program!

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Article Author

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Mrs. Sneha Deb Jain

Mrs. Sneha Deb Jain is a dedicated educator with a decade of experience teaching children of all ages. Certified in Phonics and trained in both Montessori and Primary School methodologies, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in English. Her career spans teaching roles in various schools and EdTech platforms across India. A passionate advocate for the performing arts, she has won numerous accolades in music and dance. Additionally, Mrs. Jain is a Pranic Healer and Arhatic Yoga graduate. She champions the idea that teaching requires patience and care, fostering lifelong learners ready to embrace challenges with a balanced outlook on life.

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