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Types of Dog Sounds: Fun Facts and Examples for Kids

Types of Dog Sounds: Fun Facts and Examples for Kids

Explore the many sounds dogs make in this fun guide for kids from Bambinos.Live! From barks and grunts to whimpers and howls, learn what each dog's sound means with cool facts and examples. Perfect for young animal lovers curious about how dogs communicate!


When it comes to types of dog sounds, one of the most commonly known is barking. But is that all? No. The dog sounds for kids will vary significantly depending on their mood and emotions. Some of the other types of sounds that dogs make include whimpering, howling and more. 

Before understanding the different types of dog sounds, it is important to understand that they do not communicate with words. They cannot communicate with messages like usual. Instead, the emotions in their sound often act as a medium of communication. 

Types of Dog Sounds

The types of animal sounds can be very fascinating for kids. A lot of kids prefer adopting dogs, which is why they must be familiar with the types of sounds that they make. Learning from a young age can help in educating the kids on how to deal with the kids. 

Some of the common types of dog sounds for kids are as follows:

1. Barking

Barking is one of the most common dog sounds. Dogs tend to bark more than wolves who are considered to be their ancestors. Dogs can bark under different situations, but the intensity of the same will vary significantly. For example, dogs can bark when they're scared, or excited, or whenever someone visits their house. 

When learning about dog sounds you will realize that the intensity of dogs barking will vary depending on the context. They'll be barking and jumping around when they are happy. On the other hand, if they are scared or suspicious, they will bark for a longer period of time with a deep, and loud voice. When the dogs are left alone, they will be scared and will have a shrill and sharp edge to their barking. 

Read more: Animal Sounds in English: Fun and Educational Guide for Kids!

2. Whimpers

Whimpers refer to the shrill and high-pitched sounds that the dogs make. Usually, puppies make a whimpering sound. However, older dogs also whimper when they want to attract the attention of their owners towards them. They also whimper when they're meeting someone new.

When dogs have been locked in a room or left alone for a brief period, they become anxious and scared. As a result, they start whimpering. When learning dog sounds, you will realize that dogs whimper when they have been injured. 

Read more: Types of Bear Sounds: Fun Examples for Kids to Learn!

3. Howl 

One of the most important fun facts about dogs is that they howl like wolves, not completely the same but somewhat similar. If the ‘owwww’ sound lasts for more than 10 seconds, it is known as howling. Howling is more common among wolves than dogs. Not all types of dogs howl, only a few of them and the exact reason or meaning behind howling by dogs has still not been explored that much. 

Dogs howl when they hear a similar howling sound or any other kind of sound that they are not familiar with. Some dog breeds also howl when they are left alone. Depending on the type of situation the dog is in, howling can either be a sign of something threatening or melodious. For example, when they're trying to copy their masters, some dogs howl in order to imitate the voice. 

Read more: Types of Pig Sounds: Fun Facts and Examples for Kids

4. Grunting

One of the common types of dog sounds is grunting. They usually make this sound when they're feeling relaxed or calm. Grunting is mostly common among young puppies who want to communicate with their mother. Adult dogs also grunt sometimes when they're playful and want to play with their owners. 

Dogs also tend to grunt when they come in contact with someone new. Moreover, they will also grunt when they are relaxing. For example, you will hear a dog grunt when they're stretching or changing position while resting. This is going to be a very mild kind of sound. 

Read more: Types of Cat Sounds: Fun Examples for Kids to Learn!

5. Panting

During a very playful or tired situation, the dogs start to pant. This is more of a puffing out air sound where the dogs are either stressed or feeling hot. Painting however is usually detected using spectrograph. Sometimes it can also mean that the dog is in a positive state of excitement and happiness. 

Read more: Camel Sounds Explained: Types and Definitions for Kids with Fun Examples

Final Thoughts

This article explained all about dog sounds. Kids from a very young age should know about the different types of sounds that different animals make so that they can understand their moods. Since dogs are mostly pet animals, learning about the fun facts can often be exciting. 


1. What are some common types of dog sounds?

Some of the common types of dog sounds include barking, howling, grunting, whimpering and more. The dog sounds vary depending on the type of emotion they want to show. 

2. Do dogs react to music?

Yes, some dogs do react to music if they have been listening to it for a long time. In fact, these dogs tend to howl trying to imitate the sound of music. 

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Article Author

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Anchal Sinha

Anchal Sinha is a highly motivated lady with an MBA in Finance and Marketing and has worked for three years in this field. After becoming a mother and carrying out the responsibilities of motherhood, she left her career. Thereafter, she planned to be a gratified writer and acquired three years of content writing experience till now. She also worked as a teacher in a school and a retail trainer at ICA Edu Skills Pvt Ltd. Taking forward this experience, she started working as a phonics educator at Bambinos Live. She put in all the efforts to engage kids in her classes. Seeing kids enjoying her class and participating in activities motivates her to work with full vigour. This made her competent to work in altering environments. She puts her 100% into whatever she makes up her mind to pursue. With these potentials, she desires to flourish in anything and everything.

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